Friday, April 30, 2010

Done with tests!

Hey readers. UGH FINALLY! I AM DONE WITH ALL TESTS! Hehe. Well for this week. ;) It's been so boring throughout this whole week. All we did was read, watch movie, go to lunch, leave school. Oh my god. BORING! Hehe. Well it was good though, because we got out early.. ;) Anywhos, Monday was our last day for the mile in P.E. Since that's over, I'm trying to get into shape. I just want to lose a few pounds. I've been feeling very, uhh.. Hmm, well I don't know the word to describe it but I'll go with lazy. (: So my mom, sister, and I are planning to go running. We'll see how that turns out! Guess what. June 11 is my b-day! Almost there.. Haha. June 11 is also the last day of school for me, hehe. The school year went by pretty fast. Kinda sucks honestly. I may say that I hate school but really deep down I love it, somewhere.. Haha. Then I'll be thirteen. Another thing that I'm not to excited about is, that my mom she's planning on having this huge b-day party for me. Okay I keep to myself a lot, I don't really like going out with a lot of people, actually I hate going out with people, even if they are my friends. I dunno, maybe I'll grow out of it. But gosh, she wants my friends to come over, my family, everyone. But, I just want to treat it as a normal day. But she says it's an important day of my life. Oh yes, one year closer to death and retirement, Haha. I'm also negative. But one thing that I really do want for my birthday is a real photographers camera, those big ones y'know? I want to get into photography since I already tried the arts and crafts and writing and such. ;)Alright so thanks for reading bye readers! Oh and btw. I will post pictures of my drawings I just don't know when, my laptop's camera sucks, so I'm not sure If I'll get them on soon. Alrighty - Peace, Marie

Monday, April 26, 2010

Miss me? Better say yes! ;)

Hey all, ugh I am so sorry for not posting in a while, it's just that nothing new has been happening you know? Well I think I've had enough time to come up with well tomorrow is that big cst test. Ugh I am, soo nervous I have no clue what to do. And I hope that, somehow I do good. Well my schedule is quite confusing. I have no idea what class to go to, it says, the teacher I have to go to, Mrs.xxxxx, room E103 The thing is that teachers room isn't room E103, it's E204. So, I'm completely nerved up. I think I'm going to go to student support and just ask them about it. Okay, well wish me luck? Hehe. I'll need it tons! Btw. Guess what? I started drawing again, someone came along and just motivated me to continue art. But, I feel that person is now slipping away slowly... Well readers, I'll post up some of my art work tomorrow if I get the chance. Oh gosh I'm glad that I'm starting to draw again, but I stopped writing.. What or who's going to be my motivation for that now? Also, have you all checked out Gregory and the Hawk yet? She's amazing. Try listening to Iron and Wine too. If you like soft voices, then those two must be your solution to finding a good band! Take care. - Peace, Marie.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Has it been long? ;)

Hey readers, Soo sorry I haven't posted in a long time. Just nothing has happened. Basically here's what has happened, well i've been sick this whole week and it's just really annoying. Well anyways. We went to the Pet Expo on Saturday we didn't stay long maybe for an hour, we were all kind of bored hehe, anywhos, then we ventured off to the Swap Meet. Okay I FREAKING LOVE SWAP MEETS. I just love looking at the jewlry. Jeez I don't know how to spell that right, jewlery?, nope okay moving on. Well I got a ring! Yes I love rings, (: Basically it's a little black bow with silver studs on it. I like it A lot, now my Jack Skellington ring started to tarnish, I forget to take it off when I wash my hands, hehe. Anywhos, nothing has happened lately so I'll cut this short. Have you guys heard of this movie called The Outsiders?? I LOVE IT (: Hehe. Well byee. - Peace, Marie

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Skipping school, I'm "Sick" ;)

Hey Guys what's up? Oh well Since I haven't posted in such a while, I guess I can't say 'not much has happened with me' Heheh. Anywhos, lets start in a list, then get into detail. 1. My Kitten 2. Skipped School Last Friday 3. skipped school today. 4. The big earthquake bound to strike L.A.
Okay, so noticed how I briefly told you about my newest kitten, Well it seems that we are keeping him! (: I'm so glad I really like the little fellow. His name is Jerry, and I have another cat named Tommy, so it's like Tom & Jerry only it's, Tommy & Jerry. Creative huh? Haha. My sister named him, thinking Jerry was the cat, Hehe. Anywhos it'll take awhile till the other cats get used to him...Or her... Hehehe. Okay, so last friday was this big thing called career day. Career day is, well you learn about careers, self-explanatory. Haha. There are many career options to choose from, but of course they didn't have the jobs I'm interested in. Hah. I would like to be An Author, Photographer, and a Artist. Hehe. Art is a big part of my Dads side of the family. (: Anywhos, since they didn't have the careers I wanted, and I couldn't be open minded, I skipped school. Ah yes, I used that famous excuse, "I was sick." Haha. Pretty good right? (: Well now today,(Tuesday), I'm skipping school again, which I'm not too happy about. My mom felt bad for not taking my sister and I to the Dodger Opening Day, so she's taking us somewhere else. Now, here's the thing. The reason I don't want to go is because I've already been absent. Heh. And my mom doesn't know that, she thinks that this will be the first time I've been absent this week. Hehe. Well Great. I'm still going to go of course, haha. Okay, I'm not sure if you readers live in the LA area well, if some of you do you must know about the "Big Earth Quake" So, I came downstairs and my mom told me, "Sam, you know how Rick has a friend, and he's in Cal-Tech, well the friend of Ricks, advised him, not to go anywhere in the next 48 hours. The big earthquake might hit." OH GREAT! That's nice to hear. Now, here's the thing, you can't know when an earthquake is going to happen, it could happen right now, god forbid it does, but it's just impossible to realize when. Anywhos, reason I wrote this is, GET YOUR SAFETY BAGS READY JUST IN CASE! Hehe. Well that's all for now I'll post later Bye, readers - Peace, Marie.

P.S. I'd like to thank my first Follower! Thank you so much,Imola, It means a lot! (:

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Heyy (:

Hey guys what's up? Not much has happened yesterday unfortunately. Anywhos about little Jerry, our new kitten, so my dad told me he got it from his factory, the mom had a litter and they were going to send them to the pound, so my dad said that he 'didn't have the heart to leave him there.' So now I know we didn't find him in the back yard. Dang, I though our back yard was the garden of eden. Hehe. Anywho's I think I'm going to start updating you guys on every other day, so I'll be posting 1 say then skip 1 post 1 day skip 1 day. Y'know? Hehe Okay well I'm going to go bye readers. - Peace, Marie

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cutest Kitten (:

hey guys so again i got off track hehe. nothing happened yesterday. but oh boy today while i was using my computer i got a call and my dad told me to lok out the window and my mom was holding a kitten it was the cutest thing ever hehe im trying not to get my hopes up though so we will see bye guys. -Peace marie. p.s. im using my dsi sry for my mistakes hehe

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tutors.. Blah..

Oh crap. I got off track again.. sorry hehe. Anywhos How was easter guys? I had a blast!Hehe. Anyways sorry I HAD NOT POSTED IN THREE DAYS!!! Well not much has happened soo... :) anywhos my tutor came over today and so on :) ok well i gotta go bye guys - Peace, Marie.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Two things... ;)

Hey guys ugh i've been getting off track haha. Well today is my last day of Spring break then back to hell. ): Well anyways yesterday, I got a hair cut!! Its okay, when I got my hair cut I was embarrassed. It's not bad I love it. Just the lady cutting it was making fun of me. Ugh, whatever. Well its just thinner and more choppier. ;) I'd put a pic but my camera isn't working soo... I can't haha. Anyways today is sunday which I'm pissed about. We had a party, everyone came that was good. MMM! So many goodies. Haha. Anyways this is gonna be short because I gotta do an essay, last minute homework, haha. Bye readers! - Peace, Marie

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Doing this Fast!

Hey guys, what's up? I'm doing great. :) I'm actually having a sleepover at my house and like I said i'd promised to keep posting :) Well anyways t least they're not being annoying y'know? Hehe. Anywhos when we we're going to pick them up me and my dad had to go through a checkpoint and I was freaking Haha because sometimes he forgets to bring his wallet which has his drivers license in there so I thought he forgot it but he did'nt so that was a HUGE relief Haha. Anywhos, when we got to their house, his mom didn't give me any bullshit so thats good. Anyways now we are st my house and i, i mean we, have nothing to do haha. My mom and and I went to church since its Good Friday. So i'm gonna go, sorry if there is any mistakes i'm doinh this fast alrighty byee :) - Peace, Marie

Friday, April 2, 2010


Hey folks, Well nothing special happened today, surprised? Hehe. Well I'm so glad April fools was yesterday! I hate it when It lands on a school day.. Yeah, even middle schoolers are still a bit immature on that, didn't you know that? ;) Anywhos, I thought my family was going to celebrate easter at my house but because of the rain, I don't think we will... Bye, Carne asada. (Hope I spelled that right!) Haha. Today we made brownies, which I'm so happy about. I haven't had them in a while. So, I have a tutor for math and today my dad came home with a candy bag, and he said, "Guess who its from." And I said you? He shook his head and told me it was my tutor. Shoot! I don't know what to get her now. Maybe chocolates? Hehe. So, my mom told me she was going to take me to get a haircut. DUN DUN DUNNN. Oh no, I thought I wanted one but I change my mind I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go. Haha. Oh lordy. .-. Well we'll see how it goes. By the way, I need to tell you guys that when I post this I post it really early Like in 1:00 in the morning so that makes 4/2/2010 and usually when I say we'll see how it goes tomorrow. I mean today but later on, get what I'm saying? Okay bye gyes, - Peace, Marie.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Brookelle Bones hairstyle?

Hey readers, so see the picture? Yeah, well her nick name is Brookelle Bones, and I love her hairstyle in this picture, :) See. My mom said I'm going to get a haircut, which i'm not so calm about. But, anyways my hair is already similar to this, just my bangs are a little bit longer and my hair is a tiny bit longer. Well, this is the hair style I actually want hehe. Well hopefully when I do get my haircut it comes out like this! I think it looks cute. But, feel free to leave your opinion as well. :)- Peace, Marie.

Oh, so bored.

Hey readers, how are all of you doing? Well I've been really bored today hehe. Well lets recap what I did today. Okay well soon as I woke up my mom wanted to take me to Joann's (a arts and crafts store) I needed to buy fabric for a math project all we had to do was come up with something that has to have 8 geometric shapes. This is all extra credit I didn't want to do it but It's 50 points for the 4th quarter and frankly, I'm not good in math, haha, so my mom made me. Hehe. Anyways, we found the fabric that we were looking for so we took it in to get it checked. But, no one was at the register, so we came up to this staff worker that was checking out items for this other lady and we asked, "Can we pay here?" And, ugh the lady was so rude. She just pointed where. And I told her, 'But, no one is there." So, she called up someone to the cash register. And purposely I said, "Well someone got bit in the ass today." Only, for her to hear. Then my mom added, "Yeah, they should be thankful they even have jobs." Hehe. That's how we roll. ;) Anyways, then we got pizza and blah blah blah. Heh. Then I decided to call up my cousin. And we just talked until I heard his mom ask 'what is she doing for easter?' Okay, soo me and his mom, HATE EACHOTHER. I Swear this women drives me crazy. She's so, Ugh. For example, One day when I slept over she came up to me and said, "Oh, Samantha what have you done with my boy? He's dressing in black, he listens to this music that I can't understand, he even yells at me now." I was soo stunned to hear that. But, Luckily my sister was there and she was about to leave, so my sister said, "Well I don't know about the first two things, but I know she sure does not yell at our mom like he does to you." I was like. YES! POINTS FOR TEAM MARIE!! ;) She didn't know how to respond so she just laughed. Ugh, for her to be talking like that is very ridiculous, well anyways, I heard her say, " 'Cause I know, since she wants to be all grown up like, and stuff, what is she doing? Because you know she...." I didn't hear the rest of what she said. I knew I was on speaker so I said, "Oh, well you know the news folk said that their was a chance for it to rain on sunday, so we're probably not even going to do anything." Oh gosh. She's the child, I'm the adult. Hehe. Well anyways. - Peace Marie.